Sunday, July 27, 2008

Breaking Dawn.

Ok, I am sooo excited for the release of Stephenie Meyer's book, Breaking Dawn (coming August 2). I have been waiting for a long time for it to come out. However, not only am I excited about the book, I'm also VERY nervous. I really have no clue how it's going to end up. Either I'm going to love it, or I'm going to hate it.

As everyone who have read the Twilight books know, Bella (the main character) has to chose between her boyfriend/fiance, Edward Cullen, or her best friend who was there for her in hard times, Jacob Black. Oh yeah, Edward is a vampire, and Jacob is a werewolf. As if that could make things more complicated, vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies.

So, Bella is torn between selfless, caring Edward and selfish, stuck-up Jacob. As you can probably tell, I am a big Edward Cullen fan. Not only is Edward perfect on the outside, but he is on the inside too. He cares for Bella completely, all he wants is to make her happy. He loves her so much, that, even though it would break his heart, he is ready to let go of Bella if that's what she wants. Edward is such a selfless character in the series, if Bella is happy with Jacob, then that is ok with Edward. Though he would probably kill himself if that happened.

Jacob, on the other hand is very selfish. He is constantly telling Bella to chose him and tricking her (like in Eclipse when he tricks her into kissing him). In my personal opinion, he is making Bella even more miserable. If he would leave the decision up to her and not put any pressure on her, then her decision would be much, much easier.

I think, and really hope, that in Breaking Dawn, Bella will chose Edward. However, I think it will be towards the end. I think there's a much better chance of her choosing Edward for several reasons. First, Edward has proposed to her, and she said yes. Second, the marriage is already being planned. Third, Edward is truely in love with Bella, where-as I dont really believe that Jacob is. And fourth, Jacob, being a werewolf, could imprint on anyone. (Imprinting basically binds a werewolf to another person, making them perfect for eachother and life mates.) So I really, really hope Jacob imprints in Breaking Dawn, because if he doesnt then Bella could still chose him. Oh yeah, I forgot one extra reason: if Bella doesnt marry Edward and become a vampire soon, she will be forced to become a vampire by the Volturi or killed. (The Volturi are basically the head-honcho vampires that make the rules and make sure the vamps are following them.)

However...Bella could and might chose Jacob (if she does though I might burn the books). She might chose him because Jacob could make her feel guilty about wanting Edward and not him. Also, Edward and his family (mainly Alice) force some things upon Bella. Like expensive cars, clothes, going to dances, and a lot of money. All of these which Bella does not exactly want. In addition, Bella is worried about getting married to Edward at such a young age. She is worried about what other people will think, especially her parents (who also got married right out of high school and then got divorced). Another reason is that she is worried that if she is turned into a vampire, she wont feel the same about Edward.

So, I REALLY REALLY hope Bella choses Edward in Breaking Dawn. And I think she will. Of course, Jacob Black fans are probably saying the same thing about Jacob. OR Stephenie Meyer could surprise everyone and have Bella chose neither. In which case I might have to become a vampire and hunt Meyer down.

So, give me some feedback all you Edward and Jacob fans! I would love to discuss and argue with everyone.


Rae said...

haha....umm....yd u just explain hte summary of twilight? and did you like the ending? i thought it was ok....i just thought it was weird that stephenie meyer thought we readrers were mature enough for a birth (and a really gross one at tehat) and not a sex scene? haha

Magpie said...

I just felt like stating my opinion about the books. Also I was looking for a fight with any Jacob Black fans. Umm....Rachel....did you want her to explain the sex scene? Cause I would rather read about the birth. And plus, it wasn't like a real birth, cause the baby didn't come out of her vag. And she basically died.